Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Every Day Is The Weekend

     I've come to learn over the years that you need to learn to go with the flow. Some things you just can't do anything about so you should always have a "Plan B". I started my workouts last week and this week I have had to put them on hold for 48 hours. I had to have some major dental work done yesterday and I was ordered not to do anything strenuous for the next few days. There is absolutely nothing I can do about this except watch what I eat and take it easy. I can get some writing done. I can work on my Ancestry. And I can work on my craft projects; Plan B. Life is to short to worry about the things you can't do but there is always something you can do.

      I basically retired the summer I turned 60. I wasn't planning on it but a major disaster hit our small town and I was one of many that ended up with no job to go too. I did enjoy not having to get up at the crack of dawn to get ready for work. I loved the fact that I didn't have to go out and warm up the car on a frosty winter morning or shovel out the driveway before leaving. The problem was even after two years I was still living on a time clock, still looking forward to the weekends. Then it hit me. You know one of those lightbulb moments? I was retired. Every day is the weekend. At that moment I realized I could do anything I wanted too. And, I didn't have to feel guilty about doing nothing all.  Suddenly I stopped watching the clock. I started living my life on my terms.

     I was getting restless but I had no idea what to do with the rest of my life. I did not want to become an aimless senior with nothing to do and nothing but time on my hands. I wanted a purpose. I started thinking about the things I never had time for when I had a full-time job. Then it dawned on me, those were the things that were going to give my life some direction and meaning.

     I started writing again. That more than anything else has brought me the most joy. At first, it was just morning greetings on Facebook to family and friends. Little quotes to perk up their day. I tried several blogs but I was always trying to maintain all the blog rules for a successful blog. Now I've thrown out the rulebook and I just write. I don't care if anyone reads the words. I write for me and it gives me a great deal of satisfaction. It fills an inner need to put words down on paper or the computer screen.

     My second love is creating and fabricating with my hands. I so enjoy knitting and crocheting. I am just crazy about fabric and the idea of making something from nothing. The whole process from start to finish comes from my soul. I'm not one to just sit and do nothing. My hands are always busy and my mind is always two steps ahead thinking about the next project.

     Crafting gave me the idea of creating an online store to sell my designs. I'm hoping to have it up and running by the fall. Putting it all together hasn't been easy but I'm learning as I go. I very proud of what I've accomplished so far. Every day is a new learning experience and if nothing else it does help to keep you sharp.

     I've come to learn that there is so much I can achieve with this time of my life. I now have the opportunity and the time to work on all the things I love. All the things that are important to me. I feel Like a kid in a candy shop when Mom tells you, "You can have anything you want". This is going to be a great journey.

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