Sunday, May 06, 2018

Planning For Your Retirement

     The last few days have been uneventful. Living in this sleepy little town doesn't give you much in the way of entertainment or excitement. My brain at the moment is stuck in park and I'm not sure if I actually have anything to write about today. Finding things to keep you busy my dear friends is one of the drawbacks of being retired. I am so thankful I have hobbies to turn to.

     When I decided to retire I really hadn't planned it all out. All I could focus on was not having to go to my humdrum job anymore. It didn't take me long before I figured out I would need something to keep me occupied. I had always had a love for knitting and sewing but I still needed more to round out my day. You can only do so much knitting before even that gets boring. I needed more. I craved more. I found myself stagnating and on my way into depression. Not a nice place to be.

     Going back to work was not an option for us financially. We were farther ahead with me staying home. With Mike's pensions and the added supplements, we were making more than my part-time job gave me and we weren’t be taxed for it. So I needed to come up with some creative ideas to keep myself occupied. As much as I disliked my job it gave me something to do.

     It's taken me four years to become comfortable with my retirement and it wasn't an easy transition. I still have days when I figure I should be doing more. After 40 years or more of working, you become accustomed to the cycle and it's hard to just stop.

     Life is easier now. I no longer wear a watch and I've learned to just go with the flow. I sleep when I'm tired, I eat when I'm hungry and I don't feel guilty about spending time on the things I love to do. I'm a night owl and I always have been. I get some of my best work done in the wee hours of the morning when the house is hushed and no one is around to disturb me. I've often gone to bed as the birds are starting to wake up. I can do that now.

     My advice to anyone who is getting ready for retirement, plan ahead. Mike often says "Retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be." Planning for retirement isn't just about finances, it's about time and what you're going to do with it. You need to find new ways to keep yourself busy, your brain sharp, and your body strong. You can't just stop or your new found freedom won't last long.

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