Once upon a time in the far northern regions of Ontario there was a Queen with beautiful long auburn hair who would spend hours in her work room creating items of exquisite beauty. The proceeds from her creations were used to supplement the castle's expenses and necessities.
One spring day the young grandson, Prince Keiran of the Lake and Jared of Scott his trusted champanion and a Knight of the realm, came home wounded and weary. They had lost their battle with the dragon. They were in need of a safe haven were they could recuperate and regain their strength so they could go on to fight another day. The good Knight slept in the common room next to the kitchens. But alas, the queen gave up her precious work room to offer solace to the prince but without her small sanctuary her imagination was quashed and she could no longer bring into existence her lovely creations.
It sounds better than the kids moved back home, again.
When it comes to family we all make sacrifices. We may not always be able to help them out financially but we can always find a way to give them a safe place to lay their head. My grandson and his friend came back from out west in April. The bottom fell out of the oil sands and thousands from across the country lost their jobs, the two of them included. They hadn't been out there more than a couple of months, just getting on their feet, when the layoffs started to snowball and they lost their jobs. I packed up my small workroom/office and turned it back into a bedroom.
My office now sits on an old counter top propped up on two filing cabinets in a back corner of my living room. There is no room to set up any kind of work space. All of my supplies are packed up into three very large Rubbermaid tubs in my basement. Here it is October and most of the yard work is done for the season and I am so ready to sew, and lace, and decorate, only now my room is occupied. I have so many items ready to finish but I have no where to spread out. I have no where to go that is my own.
Ok, so for now I need to think outside of the box. I still continue to knit in the evenings once I sit down to watch a movie. I have a large work table in the basement that I could probably use for doing some of the leather work. Machine sewing would be out of the question because the table is too high but I could get some of the hand sewing done. I'll just have to remember to cover everything at night. It's so dusty down there. It won't be pretty but I'll find a way.
I also find myself spending more time here tweaking the blog. Everything has changed since I was here two years ago. Technology moves along without us if we don't pay attention. Trying to catch up is going to take a while. I'll learn as I go.
The Prince and the Knight are now looking for their own castle so there is light at the end of the draw bridge. Once they're gone and the room is empty, I'll rebuild. It's a small room, 10' x 10', so it shouldn't take to long. The perfect time to design exactly what I want, a room to call sanctuary.
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